What is it about a horror picture that makes us crave the next thrilling scene even more than than the one before? What is it in a glass of Shiraz that makes us frantically yearn for sip after sip? Valid questions to ask with both The Walking Dead & The Dead Arm Shiraz.
I embrace big, bold examples of Shiraz and shout out my praises with every pour. Likewise, Ben Baily seems to have similar opinions about terror in cinematography. "Embracing horror is like shouting, 'I’m not afraid of death, I’m entertained by it!' Our cultural love of horror is directly related to the reason people get Grim Reaper tattoos or wear t-shirts with skulls on them. We want to show everyone that death is in our control, not the other way around. It’s a way to give order to the universe, to reign in chaos."
Dark and intriguing, both the 2010 Tolaini Valdisanti Toscana and Death Note capture your attention with gripping nuances. As they say, 'the devil (in this case the 死神 - Shinigami) is in the details.'
That said, let's get right down to the ominous details. Instant enthrallment is damn near guaranteed by the second sip of this wine or by the end of the second episode. Cabernet Sauvignon, Sangiovese & Cabernet Franc make for an impressive cast, whose match is met with the three main characters Light, L & Ryuk. In the case of either this wine or this anime, when the glass or episode is finished, you want just one thing... more. Captivating with great depth and dimension, raise your glass to a pairing worth sipping and seeing more and more of. Cheers to dark and intriguing pairings. Cheers, |